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  2. Hi Nitzan, Thanks for your feedback, enhancement requests are always appreciated! 🙂 To 1. - Thats already a pending enhancement, but in most cases this could be done by either stacking widgets (i.e. place an image widget behind another widget with transparent background). Or use a reference to the image as content of e.g. a cell widget or table cell. To 2. - Its not possible yet to specify a style formula for pages, but I agree, that would be nice. In the meantime, for this purpose you could insert a widget with a style formula, referencing a central widget, and covering the whole page. To 3. - Thats true and shouldn't be a big effort. Currently, once you have already one widget in the center of a page, you will see such red center-alignment lines for additional widgets (between the widget and the already centered widget). Please let me know if you have any questions here, or if you need examples as an app file. -hp
  3. Hello Nedyx Team, I have a few suggestions that I believe could enhance the user experience even further: Option to Add Image as Background: It would be really helpful to have the ability to set an image as the background. This could bring more personalization and visual appeal to the platform. Option to Apply Background/Widget to All Pages: It would save time and effort if we could apply the same background or widget across all pages. This would ensure consistency without having to manually add them to each individual page. Align to Center: Having an easy option to align objects to the center would make layout design much smoother and more precise.
  4. Hallo Elena, deine Umsetzung funktioniert prinzipiell, aber in der aktuellen nedyx-Version muss man Cell-Widgets als Style- Widgets verwenden. Wir haben das schon geändert, und in der nächsten nedyx Version kann man auch Button Widgets verwenden. Bis dahin müssten anstelle der Button-Widgets dann Zellen-Widget in der Style-Formel angegeben werden. Hans Peter
  5. Guten Tag, ich möchte einen Toggle Button bauen, welcher beim Anklicken die Farbe wechselt. Aus irgendeinem Grund funktioniert die Übertragung in die Hilfzelle "isClicked", aber die Farbe des Buttons möchte sich nicht ändern. (App im Anhang) Ich danke im Voraus. nedyx_MyButton.zip
  6. Earlier
  7. Unser Kunde hatte Probleme bei der Weiterleitung vom DNS-Server zur Anwendung, und wollte aus dem Grund eine kürzere Version des Links haben. Wenn möglich.
  8. Ja, das wäre eine mögliche Erweiterung. Gibt es einen Grund dafür, außer dem eher optischen dass die URL dadurch kürzer wird?
  9. Hallo, ist es möglich, den Link für die App, den man mit anderen teilen kann, zu verkürzen?
  10. Update, das Problem ist inzwischen produktseitig behoben, und die neue Version wird heute abend hochgespielt werden.
  11. Vielen Dank für die Meldung, das hat sich scheinbar wirklich mit einer anderen Änderung eingeschlichen. Wir werden das nun natürlich möglichst zeitnah fixen, und Bescheid geben.
  12. Hallo, und zwar hatten wir vor eine App zu teilen, so das man den Header und die Navigationsleiste nicht sieht. Jedoch wird uns diese ständig angezeigt, auch wenn wir &hideNav&hideHeader nach dem mode=live einfügen. Gibt es da ein neues Update um den Header und Nav zu verstecken?
  13. Hallo, und zwar hatten wir vor eine App zu teilen, so das man den Header und die Navigationsleiste nicht sieht. Jedoch wird uns diese ständig angezeigt, auch wenn wir &hideNav&hideHeader nach dem mode=live einfügen. Gibt es da ein neues Update um den Header und Nav zu verstecken?
  14. Thats true, more than 100px is currently not possible for the rounded corners. We will enhance that, should be available then with the next nedyx release, which is planned for in about 3 weeks.
  15. Hey, Thanks for your input. The maximum value that the cell widget can be rounded upto is 100. How can it be more than that?
  16. Oh man, that makes sense! I hadn't thought of that. Thank you!
  17. Sure, all files you upload in nedyx are available for other apps in the workspace as well. You need to use the internal file name which is returned by the UPLOADFILE function, and use that later in the other app as parameter for the DOWNLOADFILE function. You will find more information in the nedyx online help, at: https://docs.nedyx.com/working-with-nedyx/file-management
  18. I have two apps, in one I upload PDF files and in the other app I want to download and view these files. Is there a way I can solve this within nedyx? The getfilelist function does not allow downloads, is there a simple workaround?
  19. A circle can be realized by using a cell widget with bigger rounded corners, like that: But for a triangle, there is no integrated option. Instead, an image widget with a triangle could be placed behind a transparent cell widget, like that:
  20. Hi, I just saw that this request is still pending. So here is a late answer. For the visibility of widgets, nedyx provides a calculated property "Visibility". If this is false, the widget is invisible. There is an example in the attached "Cases" app, in page "RadioButtons", the visibility of the sub-options is triggered by the selected top-level button. nedyx_Cases (20).zip
  21. Hello, Can we create various empty shapes such as circle or triangle in Nedyx?
  22. First and foremost, thanks for answering and helping promptly as always🙏. Really appreciate your support. Referring to your answer to my 3 question, how can I realize this? If I want a textbox where the user can enter their email address only to be visible when the user clicks on a "Send as email" button. I tried a few things with the visibility of the text box but just couldn't figure it out. Awaiting your response. Thanks in advance for your time and support. AJ
  23. Hi AJ, to your questions: 1.) This is currently only possible in our on-premises option of nedyx. In the Cloud, the SMPT server is not configurable. That might be a future enhancement, but not planned for the upcoming pipeline yet. 2.) This is already possible, but the description in the nedyx online help was missing. Now its a available here (see example 3): https://docs.nedyx.com/clearlines-functions/import-export-functions/sendemail 3.) Currently a popup can only be opened on top level. I see the use case, but this is currently only possible e.g. by opening the first page as standard page, or to provide a field in the first popup for the email address, which is e.g. only visible if the option "Send as email" is selected. Please let me know if you have any other question here. hp
  24. Hello Nedyx community, I have a 3 part question: 1.) When using the SENDEMAIL function, the email is sent via 'sendmail@nedyx.com' and we can only customize the replyto email. Is it possible to send an email to a recipient via our own email id as well? 2.) When sending a multipage PDF file created using the PDFCREATE function using json text via email, the pdf has the internal file name from the nedyx server. Is there a way to assign a customized name to this PDF file similar to what is possible with the DOWNLOADFILE function? 3.) Is there a way to open a popup on top of another popup using the 'onpage' command? To explain my requirement in detail, when a user clicks on a button labeled 'export' on a base page, there is a popup page1 using the OPEN("page1";onpage) with two buttons, "Download file" and "Send via Email". If user clicks on "Send via Email" on page1, I want another popup page2 to appear on top of the popup page1 where the user can enter their email address. In practice this is not working for me. Is there a way of implementing this? Please let me know if you need any more information from my side. Awaiting your response. Thanks in advance for your time and support. AJ
  25. Danke sehr. Das beantwortete meine Frage 👍
  26. Guten Morgen, wir senden die EMails von dem Server sendmail@nedyx.com. Gerne Bescheid geben, wenn noch weitere Infos benötigt werden.
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