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Malte Schnau

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Malte Schnau last won the day on November 3 2023

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  1. Hey all, i use a coloured widget as Header but i can't place it flush with my Page. Nedyx wants me to leave a space of six pixel: Do you have any advice? Best Regards
  2. Hello HaPe, thank you for your quick reply. I wasn't able to recreate the exact problem. There is a little more going on that causing the error. But i we luckily found a solution. If someone has the same issue, just dm me. Best Regards
  3. Hi Folks, I’m currently working with a dynamic table which is controlled by a dropdown menu with sequence formula. Every time I add a row, the style of the upper row is applied. Exactly as I would expect. Afterwards I added cell styles to customize some of the border colors. This is working too, but the height of the cells will no longer be applied if i add new rows. Is this a bug or am I missing something? Best Regards
  4. Hello folks, i have a question because I can not explain query results. May you can give a helping hand. There´s a cell with content 0. If i query the content with ISEMPTY(cell) the result is false - as expected. If i check the cell with: IF(#cell == "0";"True";"False") the result is "True". But if i query like: IF(#cell == "";"True";"False") the result is "True" too - i would expect False. Could someone explain this to me? Best Regards
  5. Hey all, i have a menu containing a list 1-4 which sets its value to a widget on switch. When i update the value of the menu with a button, the on switch formula wont execute. Do you have any advice?
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