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Everything posted by ashishkhadsare

  1. Hey, Thanks for your input. The maximum value that the cell widget can be rounded upto is 100. How can it be more than that?
  2. Hello, Can we create various empty shapes such as circle or triangle in Nedyx?
  3. Hello, Is this option to suppress chart tooltip available now? I could not find it.
  4. Thanks for the inputs. There is one more issue regarding radar diagram. There seem to be colour shade difference for various sections, if the values for these sections are different. How can the colour shade be kept same irrespective of the value for that particular section?
  5. If user hovers over the sections of radar diagram, he can see the dataset details of it. Is there any way to disable it and not show anything when user hovers over it.
  6. Hello, I have query regarding radar diagram. Currently, there can be only one background colour for the radar diagram, that also, for whole page and not just for the background of a radar. Is there any possibility of having colour shades for the radar? Like, we have coloured blocks for fuel level in cars. I have attached two diagrams here. Can we have similar to that?
  7. Hello, I am trying a similar solution. But, when the cell widget is empty the value of len(NUMBER(#cell2) comes out to be 1. I think, it considers value 0, when the cell is empty. Is it right? What can be the possible solution? PS : input Widget is cell widget.
  8. Additional to above condition, I also want to add a rule for the cell that user cannot keep it empty and it has to be number and not a word. How can it be done?
  9. Hello Nedyx community, I am trying to convert user input in between 40 to 90 into a linear scale of 0 to 1. A user will give an input in a cell and it will vary in between for example 40 to 90. And then, I want this value to be turned into a linear scale range of 0 to 1 and save it in a table which can be further used for radar matrix. If the user gives input 40 it should be 0, if 65 then 0.50 and if if 90 then 1 and likewise. Is there any function for it? What can be the optimal way to implement this logic? Thanks and regards, Ashish.
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