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  1. First and foremost, thanks for answering and helping promptly as always🙏. Really appreciate your support. Referring to your answer to my 3 question, how can I realize this? If I want a textbox where the user can enter their email address only to be visible when the user clicks on a "Send as email" button. I tried a few things with the visibility of the text box but just couldn't figure it out. Awaiting your response. Thanks in advance for your time and support. AJ
  2. Hello Nedyx community, I have a 3 part question: 1.) When using the SENDEMAIL function, the email is sent via 'sendmail@nedyx.com' and we can only customize the replyto email. Is it possible to send an email to a recipient via our own email id as well? 2.) When sending a multipage PDF file created using the PDFCREATE function using json text via email, the pdf has the internal file name from the nedyx server. Is there a way to assign a customized name to this PDF file similar to what is possible with the DOWNLOADFILE function? 3.) Is there a way to open a popup on top of another popup using the 'onpage' command? To explain my requirement in detail, when a user clicks on a button labeled 'export' on a base page, there is a popup page1 using the OPEN("page1";onpage) with two buttons, "Download file" and "Send via Email". If user clicks on "Send via Email" on page1, I want another popup page2 to appear on top of the popup page1 where the user can enter their email address. In practice this is not working for me. Is there a way of implementing this? Please let me know if you need any more information from my side. Awaiting your response. Thanks in advance for your time and support. AJ
  3. Hello Nedxy Community, I am currently implementing a PDFCREATE function to export reports generated at the very end of the app. Throughout the app there are a number of Recommendations that PopUp when a user clicks on a button. These PopUp Recommendations are dynamic in nature and depend upon internal calculations done on the user inputs. Now I want to display/print all the user relevant/specific recommendations in the report file. In order to do this, I have given the PDFCREATE function input in the form of a json text. In the json text, as arguments I have passed the name of the Page, widget name as well as the action (click) But the PDFCREATE function doesn't work for me for some reason. As far as I can understand, the syntax is correct, but I am still getting the error that the specified page in the argument to the PDFCREATE function doesn't exist. Is this correct? Or am I missing something here? Please suggest I have attached a sample test project to better explain the problem. The attached test project captures the basic layout and functionality of the app that I am working on. Please let me know if you need any more information from my side. Thanks in advance for your time and support. AJ nedyx_TestReportGeneration_App (1).zip
  4. I have another question. Is there any possible way to customize the pop-up window that is displayed when we use the MESSAGE navigation function? For example, change its background color, font or the color of the OK button. Thanks AJ
  5. Hello Nedxy Community, I want to implement a dropdown menu with a list of pages within the app that the user can select to help them navigate through the app. The dropdown menu should appear when the user clicks the Image of the app logo. Like most other apps, this dropdown menu must be at the top left corner of all the app pages, exactly where the logo of the app is located. Similar to the navigation button with the 3 lines right next to the nedyx logo (See attached screenshot). So far, I have tried 1. overlapping the dropdown menu widget with the App logo but that just makes the menu widget inaccessible to user touch. 2. Placing a slightly bigger menu widget underneath the App logo image, but then I have to disable word wrap or else a part of the text is visible below the image widget (see attached screenshot for details) which is undesirable and if the word wrap is disabled, then the entire text of the menu item is not visible to the user, which is also undesirable. Is there any Nedyx feature that can help me implement this or possible workaround solution? Please suggest. I have attached a screenshot and a sample test project to better explain the problem. Also, another issue is that menu widget always opens the first page 'Sample_Page_Name_One' irrespective of what page I have selected from the drop down. It always opens the first page in the list by default. I have used the function "OPEN(ACTIONCONTENT())" On switch. Is this correct? Or am I missing something here? Thanks in advance for your time and support. AJ nedyx_Test Menu.zip
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