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  1. Hi Sebastian, ich denke, das sollte gehen, falls ich es richtig verstanden habe. Indem Du die Road-Grafik als Image Widget auf eine Seite platzierst und dann an jedem Data Punkt die jeweiligen Widgets, die die Information beinhalten, darüber legst. Das ist dann die Page, die Du mit PDFCreate antriggerst. Hilft das?
  2. The SETSELECTION is invalid since the third param for Cell ist missing. Cicking execute does nothing. Putting the invalid statement into a button click action then shows the error
  3. Operation: SUM(#table 1 == # table2) == Count( #table 1 == # table2) delivers false even when true is correct Can be tested by putting both results into a table separately. Comparing those separate results works fine then
  4. So, if A has a scroll binding with and B one with C then : when C scroll the cascade should also scroll A, which doesnt happen right now
  5. As described, I believe reproducing just requires to change code in the formula editor and then switch the widget with cursor in the formula editor again
  6. When populating a menu widget with the CREATEMEMBER() Function, SETSELECTION on this menu with value param won't work. Using position param works
  7. Would like to post a screenshot but not easy to achieve 2022-12-01 gets automatically transformed to 01.12.2022 since version 1.27. This is a breaking change. Hasn't happened before
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