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unexpected query results with cell content 0

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Hello folks,
i have a question because I can not explain query results. May you can give a helping hand.

There´s a cell with content 0. If i query the content with ISEMPTY(cell) the result is false - as expected.

If i check the cell with: IF(#cell == "0";"True";"False") the result is "True". But if i query like: IF(#cell == "";"True";"False") the result is "True" too - i would expect False.

Could someone explain this to me?

Best Regards

Edited by Malte Schnau
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this is as designed, but not easy to explain 🙂

The reason for that is the value left of the "=" defines the value type which should be compared. So in case of 

#cell1 == ""

if cell1 contains a 0, a numerical comparison is applied. For this purpose, the value right to the "=" is first converted to a number. And a conversion from an empty string to a number returns 0 (in the same way as NUMBER("") returns 0 as well). So this comparison returns true. 


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