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Feature Suggestion for Nedyx

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Hello Nedyx Team,

I have a few suggestions that I believe could enhance the user experience even further:

  1. Option to Add Image as Background: It would be really helpful to have the ability to set an image as the background. This could bring more personalization and visual appeal to the platform.

  2. Option to Apply Background/Widget to All Pages: It would save time and effort if we could apply the same background or widget across all pages. This would ensure consistency without having to manually add them to each individual page.

  3. Align to Center: Having an easy option to align objects to the center would make layout design much smoother and more precise.


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Hi Nitzan,

Thanks for your feedback, enhancement requests are always appreciated! 🙂

To 1. - Thats already a pending enhancement, but in most cases this could be done by either stacking widgets (i.e. place an image widget behind another widget with transparent background). Or use a reference to the image as content of e.g. a cell widget or table cell. 

To 2. - Its not possible yet to specify a style formula for pages, but I agree, that would be nice. In the meantime, for this purpose you could insert a widget with a style formula, referencing a central widget, and covering the whole page. 

To 3. - Thats true and shouldn't be a big effort. Currently, once you have already one widget in the center of a page, you will see such red center-alignment lines for additional widgets (between the widget and the already centered widget). 

Please let me know if you have any questions here, or if you need examples as an app file. 


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Partial transparency is currently only possible for chart segments. For backgrounds, this is a potential enhancement without a schedule yet. We will add this request to the according story, thanks!


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