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Harald Elsässer

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Everything posted by Harald Elsässer

  1. This little app shows how to verify a mailadress or a password vie regular expressions. Such regular expressions can be found in the www or via chatGPT. nedyx_verify input.zip
  2. This small app shows how a list of values can be automatically tranformed into selectable tiles with flexible settings for tile width and height, spacing, tiles per row of the result widget and the tile format. nedyx_tileTransformation.zip
  3. It would be nice if we could use animated animated svg in nedyx.
  4. It is really difficult to position a widget pixel-perfect because the selection frames of a widget often cover the other objects. It would be much easier if the selection frames would be hidden during positioning a widget via the cursor keys.
  5. It would be nice to have the possibility to adjust the row height or column width via formula to the content of the cells.
  6. It would be nice to have a formula to get the display name of a report. If no display name is maintained it should return the page name instead. possible use: If you create a lot of buttons to jump from page to page you may want to label them with the display names of the target pages. If you then change the display names you will always have to check the whole application for labels to the pages with the changed display name.
  7. Ich würde das gerne noch erweitern: Wäre es möglich analog zu den Datumsfunktionen zu ermöglichen in nedyx mit Zeiten (auch aus der DB) zu rechnen?
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